Inside Reese Witherspoon’s Literary Empire
“You’d be shocked by how many books have women chained in basements,” Reese Witherspoon said. “I know it happens in…
A Novel of Nantucket’s Unglamorous Side
In “Wait,” Gabriella Burnham examines island life from a fresh angle.
In the Corporate World, Woke Is the Rage but Greed Is Still King
Three new books chronicle businesses where executive self-enrichment at the expense of workers — and sometimes the law — prevails.
Kara Walker’s Favorite Literary Villain Is Scarlett O’Hara
What books are on your night stand? “A Scanner Darkly,” Philip K. Dick; “Trust,” Hernan Diaz. Describe your ideal reading…
How Americans Learned to Be Kinder to (Some) Animals
“Our Kindred Creatures” details the rise, and contradictions, of the animal welfare movement.
The Massacre America Forgot
In a new book, the historian Kim A. Wagner investigates the slaughter by U.S. troops of nearly 1,000 people in…
The Essential Alice Munro
Before I’d read Alice Munro — when my knowledge of her amounted to an oafish word cloud (“older woman,” “Canadian,”…
Skewering Leftist Excess With Mockery and Sneers
In “Morning After the Revolution,” an attack on progressive activism, the journalist Nellie Bowles relies more on sarcasm than argument…
1907 Was a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
In “The Race to the Future,” Kassia St. Clair chronicles the 8,000-mile caper that helped change the landscape forever.