A Frenchwoman’s Midlife Sexual Awakening
“Playboy,” an autobiographical novel by the writer Constance Debré, follows a woman who left her husband and job in search…
Literary Gold From the Gilded Age, in Poster Form
For lovers of vintage books and periodicals, “The Art of the Literary Poster” celebrates a vibrant niche in late-19th-century advertising.
Fewer Pesky Words, More Movie Stars Steer a New ‘1984’
A hectic high-profile adaptation for Audible plays fast and loose with George Orwell’s original text.
Ada Limón Won’t Let Prose Touch the Poetry on Her Shelves
What books are on your night stand? My night stand doesn’t speak to me anymore. That’s because, here’s the truth:…
A Journey to the Boot of Italy, With Murder, Romance and Ricotta
A Philadelphia chef goes searching for her family history in Jo Piazza’s sun-baked multigenerational tale “The Sicilian Inheritance.”
A Gender Theorist Who Just Wants Everyone to Get Along
Judith Butler’s new book, “Who’s Afraid of Gender?,” tries to turn down the heat on an inflamed argument.
The Problem With Parents
The children in these illustrated satirical tales are up against something far more complex than ogres, witches and big bad…
In This Heartbreaker, Hard Choices Come With Hidden Costs
An editor’s ambition. A coveted manuscript. The gift of a cow. Lives and lies graze one another in Neel Mukherjee’s…
What’s the Quickest Path to World War III?
In “The Return of Great Powers” and “Up in Arms,” Jim Sciutto and Adam E. Casey consider modern-day superpower conflict…
Once Upon a Time, the World of Picture Books Came to Life
The tale behind a new museum of children’s literature is equal parts imagination, chutzpah and “The Little Engine That Could.”