Sent From David Hockney’s iPad
A continent away from his perennially sunny Los Angeles poolscapes of the 1960s and ’70s, the British artist David Hockney,…
What Books Does Haruki Murakami Find Disappointing? His Own.
What books are on your night stand? Michael Connelly’s “The Brass Verdict.” It’s a hard-bound copy I bought for a…
A Formative Friendship Cut Short by Tragedy
STAY TRUE: A Memoir, by Hua Hsu. One of the funny things about adolescence is that the world can seem…
She Lost Her Brother Years Ago. Why Does She Keep Seeing Him?
THE FURROWS: An Elegy, by Namwali Serpell “Have you ever walked between two great big airplane hangars and it made…
A Writer Who Stared Down Her Past, and the World’s, With Steely Resolve
For many readers, the portal into Hilary Mantel’s work was “Wolf Hall” (2009), the first volume of an astonishing trilogy…
7 Audiobooks to Listen to Now
🎧 Uncultured: A Memoir By Daniella Mestyanek Young, with Brandi Larsen. Read by the author. Raised in the Children of…
Read Your Way Through Helsinki
Credit...Raphaelle MacaronFinns love to read: It’s their favorite thing to do in their time off. The country is a little…
Ian McEwan Returns With a Tale of Adolescent Lust and Adult Lassitude
LESSONSBy Ian McEwan431 pages. Alfred A. Knopf. $30. Nobody is better at writing about entropy, indignity and ejaculation — among…
In ‘Strangers to Ourselves,’ a Revelatory Account of Mental Illness
STRANGERS TO OURSELVESUnsettled Minds and the Stories That Make UsBy Rachel Aviv276 pages. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $28. Rachel Aviv…
Agatha Christie’s Latest Biographer Plumbs a Life of Mystery
AGATHA CHRISTIEAn Elusive WomanBy Lucy Worsley415 pages. Pegasus Crime. $29.95. Agatha Christie’s best books have crisp dialogue and high ...